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Is Skin Laser Treatment Effective For Acne Scars?

A skin laser treatment may seem like a magic wand that will disappear any scar. The treatment focuses on minimizing the appearance of scars from previous acne breakouts. 95% of people who have acne breakouts have residual scarring. Laser treatment focuses light on the top skin layers to break up the scar tissue and also encourages new skin cells to develop and replace the previous scar. If you have scars and thinking of treating them with skin laser treatment, contact North Bay Laser & Skin Care Center.

Is skin laser treatment effective for acne scars?

This treatment does not completely remove acne scars but reduces the appearance of the acne scars. You might not be a potential candidate for this treatment if you have a dark skin tone, very wrinkled skin, and active acne. Your dermatologist will recommend if treating scars is the right course of action for you.

Laser treatment for scars is not usually covered by insurance. The average cost of laser treatment for scars is around $2,000, and $1,000 for ablative and non-ablative laser treatments. The treatment costs depend on several factors, which include;

  • The experience of your provider
  • Number of treatments you need
  • Number of scars you are treating
  • Size of the area being treated.

The treatment does not require downtime. You can go to work right after a day or two. You may consult different providers before deciding who will perform the laser treatment. Some providers will charge a consultation fee to check your skin and recommend a treatment plan.

Things you should know about laser treatment

Laser treatment cannot remove scars but can make them less noticeable. When you do laser treatment, you replace the present scar with a less-noticeable scar. Thanks to medical advancements, lasers have now become a dermatologist’s go-to treatment for various scars. It can:

  • Reduce scar itch and pain
  • Prevent scar forming after surgery.
  • Increase the range of motion if the scar limits movement.

You depend largely on the dermatologists’ skills in treating the scars with lasers. If the person performing the laser treatment lacks knowledge and skills, the treatment may not give you the expected results.

If anyone promises to treat your scar before medical consultation, walk away. It is important for your dermatologist knows about your skin. Everyone is unique; therefore, the doctor should consider skin type, scar characteristics, and overall health. 

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